The Best Way to Welcome Neighbors

With today’s era of computer technology and “Going Green” many boards question if the benefits of sending out a Welcome Packet outweigh the cost. There are several reasons that negate sending out welcome packets: Cost to the association for copies, envelopes, labels and postage Possibility of outdated information going out Too time consuming to do […]

Volunteers Make the Community

In many areas across the United States, community associations are very prominent. However, they cannot be successful without the benefit of volunteers. The members of the board of directors are elected volunteers, committee members are appointed volunteers. It is the efforts of these upstanding citizens volunteering their time and talents that make a community the […]

What Do You Need to Lead?

So, you submitted your name, you spoke with a few folks around the neighborhood, you may have even created a flier or posted your stand on issues on the association web site. And then the outcome of the election is announced and you are now on the board! The pay is not great, (in fact, […]

Xeriscape to Save Water and Costs

Many people believe that a colorful and vibrant garden needs lots of water. In reality, the same can be achieved through the application of Xeriscape practices, which can result in water savings of 35 percent to 70 percent. Xeriscape landscaping is based on seven principles and defined as “water conservation through creative and appropriate landscaping.” […]

The Key to Community Success

Community associations today are much more prevalent than in the past. You’ve seen them, you probably live in them or have lived in them, know someone who lives in them or will live in one in the future. So why do community associations survive? Why do they succeed? Why do they continue to be developed? […]

The Creeping Landscape – Or What’s Mine is Mine, and What’s Yours is Mine Too

We get questions from time to time from associations inquiring about homeowners who have installed improvements around their home, sometimes with association approval, but oftentimes, without. Upon further examination, the association discovers that the improvements appear to encroach on the association’s property – open space, parks, etc. The inevitable question from the association is “what […]

Community Management: Ways to Share HOA News

Successful community management is all about proactively communicating in a two-way fashion.  The homeowners association (HOA) board needs to keep the members regularly informed.  And, they also need to solicit input from the members and listen to homeowner feedback. Fortunately, the HOA has a whole stable of communication channels available to use.  Here’s a list […]