Here’s Scoop on Pet Poop

Owning a home in an association Pets

It seems like every block has one, the oaf who eagerly rolls out his mower just as soon as Saturday has dawned.

Oh, but for a code of lawn-nuisance laws.
Yards, unlike houses, don’t usually have walls to hide our indiscretions or muffle our noise. Neighborly relations and plain common sense dictate that we think about the effects of our outdoor actions on others, whether it’s early morning mowing or sunbathing in the buff.
Unfortunately, a whole lot of people out there are either less than neighborly or just plain senseless.
Seeing as how Miss Manners hasn’t addressed the issue of yard etiquette, so far as I know, I’ve come up with a few rules of my own. Disobey them at the risk of neighborhood disharmony and perhaps a few raw eggs aimed at your siding on Halloween.
If you borrow, bring it back. You’re lucky if you have a neighbor who’s willing to share lawn tools, especially the big stuff that costs a lot. You’re foolish if you cut off the gravy train by failing to return them promptly. And don’t even think about bringing equipment back dirty, damaged or with an empty gas tank.
Rake your leaves. Yeah, I know, it’s much easier to let the wind carry them away. But your neighbor downwind will curse you.
On a related note, be careful where you point your leaf blower. Blowing debris into your neighbors’ yard — or for that matter, using the machine to scare the neighbor’s cat — is hardly good public relations.
Practice fence sense. It’s been said that good fences make good neighbors, but not if you put one up without your neighbor’s consent. You neighbor has to look at that fence, too, so at least discuss the matter with him or her first.
When you do build the fence, make sure the unattractive side faces you, not the neighbor. That’s even a matter of law in some communities.
Do erect a fence if you have a body of water in your yard, whether it’s a swimming pool or just a small fish pond. Little ones are attracted to water, and they can drown in mere inches of it.
Scoop the poop. Nothing ruins a romp on the lawn like stepping in a surprise left by a neighbor’s pet. At least you hope it was the pet.
If you’re the pet owner, clean up after your animal. And, hey, what’s your pet doing wandering in the neighbor’s yard, anyway?
Don’t water the walk. Sidewalks are for walking on, not for showering. Position your sprinklers so they avoid public sidewalks, or at least supply soap and towels.  Nothing grows in concrete anyway. Watering it is a waste of water.
Mow when the time is right. Anyone who starts a mower engine before 8 a.m. deserves to be shunned. In my neighborhood on a weekend, make that 8:30.
Don’t mow during restricted times such as ozone alerts, either. I don’t care how particular you are. The environment matters more than your lawn’s appearance.
Pause for passers-by. Anyone who ventures within throwing distance of your mower blade is in dangerous territory. Stop mowing and put the machine in neutral when walkers, runners and bikers come near. Smile and wave. It makes you look like a nice person.
Clear the air. Chemicals don’t always stop at your property line. Before spraying anything that can be carried in the air, make sure it won’t adversely affect your neighbors’ health. And if they have children or pets that wander into your yard, it’s a good idea to warn them of any potentially dangerous chemicals.
Know your limits. Don’t start digging a garden on the edge of your yard, attacking the vegetation with Roundup or making some other significant alteration to the terrain until you’ve ascertained exactly where the property line is. Not that I would ever do that. Heh, heh.
By Mary Beth Breckenridge

This article is provided by Accell Property Management, Inc.