HOA Association Management Promotes Participation in the Community

Community Pride

To attract greater community participation, HOA association management can use several tactics:

  • First, HOA association management needs to communicate clearly what happens when homeowners don’t volunteer. By seeing how they’ll be impacted directly, members may be more inclined to volunteer.
  • Second, HOA association management and boards can’t be shy about their accomplishments. They need to make sure members know what they do, how the money is being spent and all the good that’s being done. Once homeowners see positive results, they’re more likely to want to be a part of a successful venture.
  • Third, HOA association management should run all operations professionally. Conflicts among board members and other unprofessional behavior could scare off potential volunteers.
  • Fourth, HOA association management needs to recognize volunteers on a regular basis. In fact, a formal recognition system should be developed that acknowledges participation at every available opportunity.
  • Finally, strong HOA association management involves hosting social events so members can get to know each other in a relaxed and comfortable environment. After members become friendly with their neighbors, they may find participating in community activities something they look forward to doing.

Provided by AAM LLC