Rough Road Ahead for Condo Associations

Are you looking for Condo Association Management to help you through difficult times? Difficulties have set in for Condo Associations, and have underscored the need for Professional Condo Association Management. The decline in the Real Estate Market has created problems for condominium associations and homeowner’s associations. As owners and investors have lost their homes to their lenders […]

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The Impact of Legislation

The collection of assessments is central to the viability of any community association as assessment revenue is typically an association’s sole or primary source of income. The operating premise of most associations is that an annual budget is prepared based on the association’s projected expenses for the year, including contributions to a reserve fund, and […]

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Reserve Study Independence (and its value to the Association)

Independence in the Reserve Study process means freedom from control or influence. Independence means the Reserve Study professional is able to provide their complete findings and recommendations without interference. Common problems with lack of independence are when management influences the size of Reserve contributions (trying to make their budget or financial oversight “look good”), when […]

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